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C3 Submersible Fluorometer Software & Firmware

Please feel free to contact Technical Support should you have any questions about any of the downloads or instructions below. 

Driver for Communication and Integration Cable

Driver for Communication and Integration Cable

The Communication and Integration Cable (P/N 2300-115) works with the Computer Interface Cable (P/N 2200-150) as an adapter cable that allows users to upload firmware to the instrument using a USB plug/port or to stream real-time digital (ASCII) data continuously to a serial port using the RS232 plug.  Either plug can be used to communicate with and/or configure the instrument.

(Note: Due to the Computer Interface Cable’s wiring configuration, we do not recommend using the Computer Interface Cable for serial data output without the adapter cable)
For more information on cabling for the C3 please refer to the Cable Guide.


Integrator Firmware

Integrator Firmware

This firmware is designed for use by customers that are integrating their C3 with an external datalogger, CTD or similar system. The Integrator Firmware is different from the standard C3 firmware and has some features that users need to consider before installing:

  1. Internal datalogging is NOT possible with this version of firmware. The Integrator Firmware is intended for data output only.

  2. The data output rate defined by this Integrator Firmware is 1 second and cannot be changed to reflect longer or shorter data output  rates. 

  3. Once power is applied there is a 15 second delay before data output starts at a 1 second interval.

  4. If the wiper is enabled, it will rotate the set number of rotations upon powering the instrument and every 5 minutes as long as power is  continuously supplied.  

  5. Sleep mode is disabled; therefore as long as power is continuously supplied the instrument will continue to stream data at a 1 second  interval.  

Download Firmware

Technical Note: Integrator Firmware fact sheet for Continuous Data Capture

Integrating with Campbell Dataloggers

Integrating with Campbell Dataloggers

Turner Designs and Campbell Scientific worked together to help our customers easily integrate the C3 Submersible Fluorometer with any of the CR800 or CR1000 series dataloggers.  Simply follow the steps below to quickly get your datalogger set up and begin data logging:


  1. Download the .txt file that pertains to your datalogger series (see links below)

  2. Upload that file to your Campbell Datalogger

  3. Run the program using your Campbell Datalogger

  4. Enable the 'Data Output Ready Mode' on our instrument (this will allow streaming of ASCII data at the set sample interval)

  5. Plug our instrument into the datalogger and watch data stream or capture data using your datalogger 

(NOTE: Be sure to use the 'Integration Cable' or 'Integration/Interface Adapter Cable' to plug our C3 Submersible Fluorometer into your datalogger; using the Standard Interface Cable may result in the loss of data or inability to communicate with your datalogger)


C-Soft Firmware Upgrade & Software Download

C-Soft Firmware Upgrade & Software Download

C-Soft Firmware Upgrade & Software Download for C3 Submersible Fluorometer Firmware version 2.1 does not allow data output to continue when the instrument’s memory is full. We revised the current firmware and released version 2.2 allowing users to continue capturing data output even though the memory’s maximum capacity has been reached. We recommend all C3 users to upgrade to firmware version 2.2 enabling this feature and keeping up to date with the latest functions available for the C3 Submersible Fluorometer. 

Users who received their C3 Submersible Fluorometer on or before 02/16/2011 should upgrade their instruments using the Firmware and Software upgrades below to maximize performance of their instrument. 

Note: Upgrade is not required for customers using the C3 Submersible Fluorometer for the SMART protocol. 

Firmware Update

C-Soft Software Download


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