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Cyclops-7F Submersible Sensors Software & Firmware

Please feel free to contact Technical Support should you have any questions about any of the downloads or instructions below. 

Cyclops Explorer Software & Firmware

Explorer Software & Firmware

The Explorer is a simple lab based tool that interfaces with your Cyclops allowing you to analyze samples, perform functional checks, determine instrument limits, and become familiar with how to use your Cyclops sensor using intuitive software that can be downloaded directly from Turner Designs’ website. The Explorer can also be used for more detailed analyses such as growth rate determination of algal cultures, estimating dye concentrations, and exploring physical, chemical, or biological effects on fluorescence properties of materials or organisms. Due to obsolescence of the Explorer, we no longer provide support for the download software or operation.

Automatic Gain Control Software for Campbell Scientific Dataloggers

Integrator Firmware

For customers that deploy the Cyclops independently with a Campbell Scientific Datalogger - the following program automatically controls gain switching of the Cyclops.


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