Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer Software
Please feel free to contact Technical Support should you have any questions about any of the downloads or instructions below.
Software and Driver Downloads
Customers who own a Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer with serial number (721000000) or higher are now able to stream data via USB connection. To use this feature, specific drivers will need to be installed on your PC or computer (not available for MACs). Download the Trilogy USB Driver folder by clicking on the link below. Click on the Easy to download – Installation instructions link below to download instructions that will help guide you through the Driver and Software installation process.
To capture data, you will need to install Trilogy Software which can be downloaded using the link below:
Firmware Update Notice 03/05/2024
This Firmware Update is ONLY for customers who have a Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer with Firmware Version 2.0.0. Customers with Firmware Version 1.3.3 or earlier will not experience any of the issues stated below and do not need to update.
You can find the Firmware version for your Trilogy if you go to the Diagnostics page:
A new Firmware version has been released addressing some issues you may or may not have encountered. If you have not encountered any of the following issues and are using your Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer without fault, you may NOT need to update your Trilogy with the latest firmware as the corrections are primarily related to calibration files saved to the Trilogy.
For those customers who prefer to update their Trilogy with new firmware, all updates have to be made at Turner Designs, so your instrument will need to be shipped back to our factory. Please contact and we will issue you an RMA for the return of that instrument to be updated.
Trilogy Firmware Version 2.1.1 Notes
Firmware issues found
1. Orange and Custom GUI selections share calibration records
2. Calibration records saved with more than 9 characters will corrupt calibration data
3. Help screen menu’s buttons can cause instrument malfunction requiring you to cycle power
4. Inability to delete old calibration files
5. Overwriting of old calibration files when a new calibration file is saved
6. New calibrations using “Skip Blank” option will give erroneous data
These issues have all been corrected with Firmware version 2.1.1; if you are experiencing any of these issues, please contact Turner Designs ( and we will work to get your instrument updated and back to you in a timely manner.
Thank you for your understanding, patience and business.