AML‘s Cabled UV performs on Turner Designs sensors
Turner Designs recently concluded in-depth testing of AML’s Cabled UV. Upon Cabled UV’s 2014 release, we recognized the advantages the...
Determining the Efficacy of a Submersible In Situ Fluorometric Device for Cyanobacteria Monitoring C
Parameters: Chlorophyll, Blue-Green Algae Using submersible fluorometry as part of a Manta 2 probe for cyanobacterial monitoring Read...
Changes in DOM quantity and quality in the hyporheic zone during drought
Parameters: CDOM Read case study Authors: Astrid Harjung Institution: Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Poster: Water Quality Monitoring of the Upper St. Lawrence River Using Remote Sensor Arrays Placed i
Parameters: Turbidity, CDOM, Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll Nice poster at IAGLR using our C6 with turbidity, CDOM, phycocyanin and chlorophyll...
Can e-coli results be obtained faster with tryptophan fluorometry?
Parameters: Tryptophan The microbial contamination of waterways by fecal microbes, and specifically, pathogenic microbes, presents a...