Bacterivory Enhances the Phototrophic Capabilities of an Obligate Phototrophic Ochromonas sp. (Chrys
Parameters: Chlorophyll
Congratulations to Alice Lie who was awarded a Travel Stipend for her poster presentation at ASLO 2017 featuring our Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer.
Presentation Overview
Phagotrophic phytoflagellates are mixotrophic algae that can obtain carbon and energy through both photosynthesis and phagotrophy (bacterivory).
There is a spectrum of mixotrophic strategies ranging from predominantly phototrophic to predominantly phagotrophic.
Knowledge of different nutritional strategies and metabolism of mixotrophs will enable a better understanding of the functional roles of mixotrophs in communities.
Ochromonas is a genus of mixotrophic chrysophytes. Many species are predominantly bacterivores, but Ochromonas sp. strain CCMP1393 is obligately phototrophic.
This study investigates the gene expression of Ochromonas sp. strain CCMP1393 under different light regimes and bacteria availability.
Authors: Alle A.Y. Lie, Zhenfeng Liu, Ramon Terrado, Avery O. Tatters, Karla B. Heidelberg, David A. Caron
Institution: University of Southern California
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA